Console Commands. Console mode is a debugging tool, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. The tilde key by default toggles the console screen open and closed. Some of these commands can be used through the server control panel. Note: Codes are case sensitive; “a” is not the same as “A”.
- Console Commands. While playing the game, press F1 key to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press Enter to activate the corresponding cheat function. To list all the COMMANDs you can use, open the console in-game and type in help. Command – Effect. Debugmenu on/off – Toggles Debug Mode on or off.
- 7 Days to Die Console Commands. Above is a text document with the console commands for 7 Days to Die. Posted on June 23, 2016 by admin. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
- In this 7 Days to Die Guide, I'll show you Commands used in the command console to change time/day, weather, show light sources, spawn crates, spawn zombie h.
- 7 Days to Die – Console Commands and Cheat Codes. 7 days to die also has some console commands and cheats codes. Beneath, you can see console commands for 7 days to die in command to some fun in the game or make any improvements. The 7DTD support commands both for Steam and non-Steam variants of the game and for both PC and Mac.
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Developer Console
The command line in 7 Days to Die is a developer console that can be enabled by players. It is used to execute server commands as well as other various features in the game. With server commands, a server admin can receive and modify information and statistics, as well as server settings and extensions. It can also be used to spawn objects, change the time in game, and kick players.
How to use the commands?
There are two different keys (for each version: US or EU) to open the developer console:
Key 1
- Press ~ for US Keyboards
- Press ¬ for EU Keyboards
Key 2
7 Days To Die Cheat Table
- Press ' for US Keyboards
- Press @ for EU Keyboards
Console Commands
Command | Short Cut | Effect |
admin add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Adds a player as an admin. |
admin remove <playerID> | n/a | Removes admin permission from a player. |
admin update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Changes the admin permission level for that user to the specified value. |
aiddebug | n/a | Switches the AIDirector debug output. |
ban <playerID> <timeframe> | n/a | Bans a player from your server for a specified amount of time. Allowed inputs for <timeframe> are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. For example: 'ban 175 10 hours' would ban player with ID 175 from the server for 10 hours. |
chunkcache | cc | Displays all loaded chunks in the cache. |
clear | n/a | Clears the command line. |
cp add <permission level> | n/a | Add command permissions. |
cp remove <command> | n/a | Remove command permissions. |
cp update <command> <permission level> | n/a | Changes the permissions for a command to the specified value. |
debugmenu [on/off] | dm | Changes the display of the developer console. |
enablescope <on/off> | es | Modifies Debug Scope |
gameover | go | Changes the game to Game Over. |
kick <playerID> [reason] | n/a | Kicks specified player from the server. Reason is optional. |
listents | le | Displays all objects in the game. |
listplayers | lp | Shows all players currently connected to the server. |
listthreads | lt | Shows all threads. |
mem | n/a | Shows memory usage and requests the garbage collector. |
mod add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Adds a player as a moderator of the specified permission level. |
mod remove <playerID> | n/a | Removes specified player from the moderator list. |
mod update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Updates the specified moderator's permission level. |
say <message> | n/a | Broadcast a message to all players on the server. |
settime | st | Sets the time in the current world. Time notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). Examples: 0 = day 1, 4 pm; 8000 = day 2, 12am (midnight); 16000 = day 2, 8 am; 24000 = Day 2, 12 pm (noon) |
sounddebug | n/a | Sets the debug menu to contain sound manager reports. |
saveworld | sa | Manually saves the world. |
setgamepref | sg | Shows the settings that can be changed from the console. |
setgamepref <preference> <value> | sg <preference> <value> | Set the specified setting to the specified value. |
showchunkdata | sc | Shows data about the current chunk. |
shownexthordetime | n/a | Shows the time to the next horde. |
shutdown | n/a | Stops the Server. |
spawnairdrop | n/a | Spawns an air drop. |
spawnentity | se | Shows a list of objects that can be spawned into the game. |
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID> | se <playerID> <entityID> | Gives the specified player the specified object. |
spawnsupplycrate | n/a | Spawns a supply crate on the player. |
spawnwanderinghorde | n/a | Spawns a wandering horde of zombies. |
whitelist add <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Adds specified player to the whitelist. |
whitelist remove <playerID> | n/a | Removes the specified player from the whitelist. |
whitelist update <playerID> <permission level> | n/a | Updates the specified player's permission level in the whitelist. |