For Mercenaries 2: World in Flames on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled 'Can you help me enable cheat mode?'
- The PC version of Mercenaries 2 is both. EA have taken the stupid, ballsy fun of the console version, and done the absolute bare minimum to make World In Flames work on the PC platform.
- MERCENARIES 2: WORLD IN FLAMES Multi3 (english/french/russian) DVD9 TO 2xDVD5 (install sequence 1-2-1) 1) Create MERCS21 and MERCS22 folders 2) Copy DVD content to MERCS21 folder 3) Replace autorun.dat with edited one. Download here: 4) MOVE these files from MERCS21 to MERCS22 folder data Movies folder data vz.wad.
- Jun 08, 2018 I then used my other ps3 and accepted terms on my alt account, then rented a 2nd copy of Mercs 2. Both of my ps3's could connect after that, main account with my save.alt account with no save. For the Nothin but a good time I just called in that armored vehicle with the cannon on top, easy because the co op partner just needs to be in the car.
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Get the latest Mercenaries 2: World in Flames cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
Stealing Fuel Without Upsetting A Faction
This is most useful when used with factions whoare already hostile (to keep them from shootingyou down), but can also be used to keep friendlyfactions from becoming upset with you. Get one ofthe helicopters used by the faction you want tosteal from (or one of its allies), and allow yourdisguise to finish. Fly to the location of thefuel you want to get, and lower your winch. Grabthe fuel tank, and lift off before the enemysoldiers recognize you, then fly to a securelocation (either the PMC or a remote, openlocation). Once out of sight, call Ewan in for thepick-up. Note: Using a heavier helicopter isrecommended, as the Rogue and Gunney classchoppers are extremely difficult to control whencarrying a heavy fuel tank. Also, there are atleast half a dozen fuel tanks relatively close tothe PMC, most of which are controlled by UniversalPetroleum. Spending the fuel for an AmbassadorGunship (an Allied helicopter, who are allies withUP) is well worth it if you are going to use yourPMC as a fuel depot.Use the following trick to steal fuel from afriendly faction without having to worry aboutaffecting their status towards you. Go to anoutpost that has fuel tanks, and tag them. Then,call in Ewan for the extraction. If a soldierhappens to call in a report about your hostileact, go inside the outpost to cancel the call. Bydoing this you will get fuel and the faction willstill be friendly with you.This trick requires a fast vehicle (for example, asports motorcycle). Find an outpost that has afuel tank. Look for an easy way out before youattempt to steal the fuel. Once your vehicle ispositioned facing the fast exit, and after makingsure no one sees you, tag the fuel tank, and callEwan for extraction. Run to your vehicle, anddrive as fast as you can until you are far enoughfrom the place so that no one can report you.Note: This also works with a helicopter as yourvehicle when you are in the jungle area, butrequires more time because you must wait a fewseconds before you can lift off.
Easy Sniper Challenge
Use R1 and not the scope for the Sniper challenge.Take out the drums next to the cars first, then goto the two statues for some extra time.
Easy Challenges
Bet the maximum money for the level 1 and 2challenges, then save and reload the game untilyou win. Bet the minimum money for the level 3challenge.
Easy Money
After completing the first UP mission andrecruiting Ewan, talk to him about the Winchchallenge. After completing level 3 on thischallenge, bet the maximum amount of money. Eventhough you have already done this, the height doesnot raise. Therefore you can continue betting atthe maximum amount. After approximately four times(depending on how much you start with), you shouldhave about $7.0 million. Continue from here to getthe maximum wager amount to $5.0 million (when youhave about $14.0 million in funds). Repeat this asmany times as desired. Additionally, when you getthe maximum betting level on the Winch challenge,keep going until you get to approximately $100million. The minimum bet will now also be $5million. If you continue from there, the minimumwill actually grow higher than the maximum andallow for even more money. However, once theminimum goes beyond $5 million, there is no wayyou can raise or lower the bet because it ishigher than the maximum, but it is still theminimum. Note: To save time in the Winchchallenge, use stackable items from outside ofyour stronghold. For example, try the gascanisters across the road (or for something lessvolatile, use the shipping containers directlyacross the lake behind your house). Items usedfrom outside of your stronghold stay in the exactlocation you put them until you quit your game,giving you a prepared stack height the next timearound. Two or three attempts may be required togather the items, but it is well worth it, as oncedone it requires only seconds to win the challenge.
Easy Vehicle Repair
Park your vehicle outside of a building you canenter, then enter the building and exit. Yourvehicle should now be completely repaired withfull ammunition.
Cheat Mode
Go to PDA then press,L2,R2,R2,L2,R2,L2,L2,R2,R2,R2,L2
All Costumes
At the PDA screen, press Up, Right, Down, Left, Upto unlock all costumes.
Mercenaries 2 Ps3 Download
At the PDA, press Up(3), Down(3), Left, Right, Up, Down.
Grappling Hook
At the PDA screen, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Upto unlock the grappling hook. This code willaffect both players if enabled in Co-op mode.
All Airstrikes
At the PDA screen, press Right, Left, Down, Up,Right, Left, Down, Up to unlock all airstrikesexcept the Nuke.
At the PDA screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left,Right, Left to unlock the Nuke.
All Supplies
At the PDA screen, press Left, Right(2), Left,Up(2), Left, Up to unlock all supplies.
All Vehicles
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right(2),Left to unlock all vehicles.
Refill Fuel
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right,Left(2).
Mercenaries 2 Ps3 Download Mediafire
At the PDA screen, press Up, Down, Left, Down,Right(2). This code will affect both players ifenabled in Co-op mode.
Unlock Everything
While playing the game enter Up, Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, X, Square, Right, Lleft, Left, Right. If entered correctly you will hear a horn honk.
Getting 100% Completion
Successfully complete all outpost missions beforeyou initiate the final mission in Story mode. Theoutpost missions can no longer be accessed afterthe game is completed, which will also prevent afaction's shop items from being unlocked.
We have no easter eggs for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for Mercenaries 2: World in Flames yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Trophy List
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