Mplus Trial Version

This webpage contains links to Mplus code for testing different configurations of mediation, moderation and moderated-mediation models.

For each model I have provided conceptual and statistical model diagrams, the model equations, and most relevantly, the Mplus code for the requisite DEFINE:, ANALYSIS:, MODEL:, and OUTPUT: principal commands, as well as a preceding USEVARIABLES: subcommand that lists my hypothetical variables. To apply these examples to your data you will need to write the DATA: and VARIABLE: commands and change my hypothetical variable names to match yours.

Mplus is a latent variable modeling program with a wide variety of analysis capabilities. The program allows you to do exploratory factor analysis, multilevel analysis, complex survey data analysis, Bayesian analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, item response theory analysis and mixture modeling (latent class analysis). Trial download for version 22.0. IBM® SPSS® Amos gives you the power to easily perform structural equation modeling (SEM). Using SEM, you can quickly create models to test hypotheses and confirm relationships among observed and latent variables - moving beyond regression to gain additional insight. For more than 40 years, organizations of all. Download MPlus for Windows to apply SMS and Auto-reply to your messages. Operating Systems. Operating Systems Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows.

The majority of these models correspond in type (and numbering system) to the configurations listed and indexed by Andrew Hayes in the documentation for versions 2 and 3 of his SPSS/SAS PROCESS macro and in his seminal text Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis (Hayes, 2013, 2017), which I strongly recommend reading as a primer before undertaking such analyses. For v3 of PROCESS (and the 2nd edition of his book), Andrew removed the models with 3+ moderators - but I have retained the code for them below.

HOWEVER - note that Mplus, whilst obviously requiring extra labour and skills, provides a completely flexible modelling environment that enables you to test unlimited configurations of moderation and mediation, not just the set of PROCESS model types.

Mplus will also categorize people into a single class using the same kind of rule. Mplus creates an output file which contains the original data used in the analysis (i.e., item1 to item9) followed by the probability that Mplus estimates that the observation belongs to Class 1, Class2, and Class 3. Jul 28, 2011 Mplus Version 6.11 Base Program and Mixture Add-On Update. Mplus Version 6.11 Base Program and Mixture Add-On Update is now available free for users of Mplus Base Program and Mixture Add-On versions 3.0 or greater whose Mplus Product Support and Upgrade Contract is still current.

Specifically, unlike the PROCESS macro, Mplus can:

  • Handle models with multiple outcomes
  • Handle infinite combinations of mediators and moderators, and serial mediation chains of infinite length
  • Fit models with different variable types
  • Fit mediation models with latent variables (i.e. SEM type models). Hence for each example of Mplus model code demonstrated below I have also produced the code required for when constructs are measured by latent variables as opposed to observed variables.

Also unlike the PROCESS macro, the Mplus code for testing mediation and moderation is directly extendable into scenarios where the data structure is multilevel. For a few examples and some great papers regarding multilevel mediation modelling, see Kris Preacher's website. But my best advice is to try to understand the code I have provided as well as copying it - that way you will soon learn how to adapt it to your own ends...

Of course, the downside of all this potential and flexibility is that you need to be able to program in Mplus to take advantage of it... that's where this webpage comes in! In fact, I would argue that performing mediation and moderation model testing in Mplus is advantageous to you, the researcher, in the long-run, since the programming forces you to understand the method properly - and thus makes it easier to write up your work and spot conceptual mistakes in your model.

However, whilst this website will help you write and understand the model code required, the code and guidance given is designed for people with some basic previous knowledge of Mplus. Before trying to use this code you will need beginner's Mplus skills, specifically knowing how to read your data into Mplus, how missing data is coded and treated, how models are estimated, how different outcome distributions are specified, how the BY, ON, WITH, and XWITH statements, and the @ and () symbols work, and how MODEL CONSTRAINT: enables functions of parameters to be tested.

To that end (shameless plug time!) I run occasional public courses on the basics of Mplus and on testing mediation, moderation and moderated-mediation models using Mplus or SPSS, and also offer these on an inhouse basis - though there are one or two good books on Mplus (I recommend Christian Geiser's 'Data Analysis with Mplus'), and a few other course providers run similar intro courses. Note also that fromJuly 2016, (the programmers of Mplus) will be selling a book outlining the Mplus coding for various regression scenarios, including mediation models.

Anyway, I hope that you find this code helpful. Corrections to any code errors are very much welcomed. Best of luck with your analyses.

These pages were developed by Dr Chris Stride, with assistance from Sarah Gardner (programming/checking), Nick Catley (equation expansion/checking) and Ffion Thomas (diagram drawing, based on the original PROCESS diagrams by Andrew Hayes).

Please cite this page and/or any code used if it has been of use to you in published research, or for PhD students, your thesis. The citation to use is:
Stride C.B., Gardner S., Catley. N. & Thomas, F.(2015) 'Mplus code for mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation models',

Model Template Selection

The model code examples 1-92, which are indexed and linked to below, match the equivalently numbered models associated with Andrew Hayes’ PROCESS macro, v2 and v3, though with two adaptations:

  • First, where Andrew Hayes’ PROCESS templates specify a model and equation generalised from 1 to multiple mediators, then, for the purposes of providing specific example code in Mplus that matches a diagram, my code and diagrams have been written for a model with 2 mediators in mediator-only models (4 and 6) and 1 mediator in moderated mediation models (though the code could, of course, be edited to extend to as many mediators as is desired).
  • Second, all my models and code exclude covariates - though of course these could easily be added by specifying them as predictors of the outcome and mediators by adding extra ON statements.

You can select the appropriate model to match the analysis you wish to perform by browsing the descriptions of the configurations in the Model Index table below and then clicking on the 'Link to code' column.

Mplus Trial Version Free

Mplus Trial Version

Further model configurations (over and above the PROCESS v2 and v3 'set' of 92) that I have written code for are numbered from 500 onwards.

Model Index

All models have one primary IV and one DV. For the purposes of the calculation of indirect effects and conditional effects:

  • The primary IV (variable X) is assumed to be continuous or dichotomous (or, for the latent variable model versions, a continuous factor)
  • Moderators (variables W,V,Q,Z) are assumed to be continuous (or, for the latent variable model versions, continuous factors), though the only adaptation required to handle observed dichotomous moderators is in MODEL CONSTRAINT: and loop plot code - an example of how to do this is given for model 1 (simple moderation)
  • Mediators (variable M, or M1, M2, etc. in the multiple mediator examples) are assumed to be continuous (or, for the latent variable model versions, continuous factors)
  • The DV (variable Y) is assumed to be continuous (or, for the latent variable model versions, a continuous factor) and to satisfy the assumptions of standard multiple regression - an example of how to handle an observed dichotomous DV is given for model 1 (i.e. a moderated logistic regression) and for model 4 (i.e. an indirect effect in a logistic regression).

If you would rather look through all the models at once, or need to work offline, then rather than using the index and individual files below, you can instead download the index and files as a pdf file (large!).

A final note - we have found that the more complex models can take a considerable amount of time to run (upwards of an hour), especially when bootstrapping is used (we tested the models using a relatively powerful laptop with an 8i processor). Mplus also struggles to fit models (i.e. you get convergence failures) where measures are on scales with high variance - where this is the case, rescaling predictors, e.g., standardising them, usually solves the problem.

Model numberArrangement of mediators and moderatorsNumber of distinct mediatorsNumber of distinct moderatorsCode for observed variable exampleCode for latent variable example
1a1 moderator [BASIC MODERATION], continuous moderator01Mplus codeMplus code
1b1 moderator [BASIC MODERATION], dichotomous moderator01Mplus codeComing soon
1c1 moderator [BASIC MODERATION], dichotomous moderator (using multigroup method)01Mplus codeComing soon
1d1 moderator [BASIC MODERATION], categorical moderator with > 2 categories01Mplus codeComing soon
1e1 moderator [BASIC MODERATION], dichotomous outcome (logistic regression)01Mplus codeComing soon
22 moderators, 2-way interactions with predictor only02Mplus codeMplus code
32 moderators, all 2-way and 3-way interactions02Mplus codeMplus code
4a1 mediator [BASIC MEDIATION] 10Mplus codeMplus code
4b2 mediators in parallel [BASIC MEDIATION] 1+0Mplus codeMplus code
4c1 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1) [BASIC MEDIATION], dichotomous mediator1+0Mplus codeComing soon
4d1 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1) [BASIC MEDIATION], dichotomous outcome1+0Mplus codeComing soon
51 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple, 1 moderator of direct IV-DV path only1+1Mplus codeMplus code
62 or more mediators, in series (example uses 2) 2+0Mplus codeMplus code
71 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderator of IV-Mediator path only 1+1Mplus codeMplus code
81 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderator moderating both the IV-Mediator path and direct IV-DV path1+1Mplus codeMplus code
91 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the IV-Mediator path only1+2Mplus codeMplus code
101 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating both the IV- Mediator path and direct IV-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
111 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the IV-Mediator path only, all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+2Mplus codeMplus code
121 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the IV-Mediator path and direct IV-DV path, all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+2Mplus codeMplus code
131 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating the IV- Mediator path, 3-way interaction, 1 also moderating direct IV-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
141 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderator of Mediator-DV path only 1+1Mplus codeMplus code
151 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderator of both Mediator-DV and direct IV-DV path1+1Mplus codeMplus code
161 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the Mediator-DV path only1+2Mplus codeMplus code
171 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating both the Mediator-DV and direct IV-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
181 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the Mediator-DV path only, all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+2Mplus codeMplus code
191 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators both moderating the Mediator-DV path and direct IV-DV path, all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+2Mplus codeMplus code
201 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating the Mediator- DV path, 3-way interaction, 1 also moderating direct IV-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
211 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
221 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path and direct IV-DV path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
231 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+3Mplus codeMplus code
241 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and direct IV-DV path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+3Mplus codeMplus code
251 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+3 Mplus codeMplus code
261 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
271 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, one of which also moderates the direct IV-DV path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+3Mplus codeMplus code
281 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path and direct IV-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
291 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path, both moderating the direct IV-DV path1+2 Mplus codeMplus code
301 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 1 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
311 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 1 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
321 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
331 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
341 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 2 moderating the IV-Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, one of which also moderates the direct IV-DV path, 1 moderating the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
351 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
361 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the IV-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
371 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+3 Mplus codeMplus code
381 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the IV-DV path, with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
391 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating the IV-Mediator path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the direct IV-DV path 1+3Mplus codeMplus code
401 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path1+3 Mplus codeMplus code
411 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
421 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+ 3Mplus codeMplus code
431 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+3Mplus codeMplus code
441 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 3 moderators, 1 moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the direct IV-DV path1+3Mplus codeMplus code
451 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path1+4Mplus codeMplus code
461 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path1+ 4Mplus codeMplus code
471 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+ 4Mplus codeMplus code
481 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+4Mplus codeMplus code
491 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path1+4Mplus codeMplus code
501 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path, with the other 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+4Mplus codeMplus code
511 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path 1+4Mplus codeMplus code
521 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path 1+4Mplus codeMplus code
531 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions 1+4Mplus codeMplus code
541 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path, with the other 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions 1+4Mplus codeMplus code
551 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating the Mediator-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+4Mplus codeMplus code
561 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate the IV- Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+4Mplus codeMplus code
571 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 4 moderators, 2 of which moderate both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, with the other 2 moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+4Mplus codeMplus code
581 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderators, which moderates both the IV- Mediator path and the Mediator-DV path1+1Mplus codeMplus code
591 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 1 moderators, which moderates all of the IV-Mediator path, the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+1Mplus codeMplus code
601 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path, 1 of which also moderates the Mediator-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
611 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path, 1 of which also moderates both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path 1+ 2Mplus codeMplus code
621 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path, 1 of which also moderates the Mediator-DV path, the with the other moderating the direct IV-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
631 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, 1 of which also moderates the Mediator-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
641 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the Mediator-DV path, 1 of which also moderates the IV-Mediator path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
651 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the Mediator-DV path, 1 of which also moderates both the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path 1+ 2Mplus codeMplus code
661 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the Mediator-DV path, 1 of which also moderates the IV-Mediator path, the with the other moderating the direct IV-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
671 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path, 1 of which also moderates the IV-Mediator path 1+ 2Mplus codeMplus code
681 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating the IV- Mediator path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the Mediator-DV path 1+ 2Mplus codeMplus code
691 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both of the IV-Mediator path and the direct IV-DV path, with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the Mediator-DV path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
701 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating the Mediator- DV path with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the IV-Mediator path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
711 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both of the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path, with all 2-way and 3-way interactions, 1 of which also moderates the IV-Mediator path 1+2Mplus codeMplus code
721 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the Mediator-DV path, with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+2 Mplus codeMplus code
731 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating each of the IV-Mediator path, the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path, with all 2-way and 3-way interactions1+ 2Mplus codeMplus code
741 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), IV also moderates the Mediator-DV path 1+(1)Mplus codeMplus code
751 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating both the IV- Mediator path and the Mediator-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
761 or more mediators, in parallel if multiple (example uses 1), 2 moderators, both moderating each of the IV-Mediator path, the Mediator-DV path and the direct IV-DV path1+2Mplus codeMplus code
803 or more mediators, both in parallel and in series 3+0Mplus codeMplus code
813 or more mediators, both in parallel and in series 3+0Mplus codeMplus code
824 or more mediators, both in parallel and in series (parallel serial paths)4+0Mplus codeComing soon
832 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating the IV-first mediator path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
842 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating both IV-first mediator path and IV-second mediator path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
852 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating the IV-first mediator path, IV-second mediator path, and the direct IV-DV path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
862 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating the IV-first mediator path and the direct IV-DV path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
872 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating the second mediator-DV path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
882 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating both the first mediator-DV and the second mediator-DV paths2+1Mplus codeComing soon
892 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating the direct IV-DV path, the first mediator-DV path, and the second mediator-DV path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
902 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating both the direct IV-DV path and the second mediator-DV path2+1Mplus codeComing soon
912 or more mediators, in series, 1 moderator moderating path between mediators 2+1Mplus codeComing soon
922 or more mediators in series, 1 moderator, moderating all of the direct IV-DV path, IV-first mediator path, IV-second mediator path, first mediator-DV path, second mediator-DV path, and the path between mediators2+1Mplus codeComing soon
5011 mediator, multiple focal predictors10Mplus codeComing soon
5021 mediator, multiple focal outcomes10Mplus codeComing soon
5031 mediator, predictor has non-linear effect on mediator and outcome10Mplus codeComing soon
5043 or more mediators, both in parallel and in series, 2 moderators, 1 moderating paths between predictor and mediator, the second moderating paths between mediators, and between mediator and DV3+2Mplus codeComing soon

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